DAY 21

Philippians 3:13-14 NKJV
[13] Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended, but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, [14] I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.

I want to timestamp this devotional by saying it has been four years since the passing of our dear brother Kobe Bryant, his young daughter Gianna Bryant, and the seven others who were taken in the helicopter accident.

As I have tried to process this tragedy, having spent limited time with Kobe and witnessing his hunger and work ethic, I thought I would dedicate this last devotional to him.

Philippians 3:13-14 is probably one of the best texts to describe my interaction with Kobe. He came to a studio to meet me in LA around 1998 or 1999. He was interested in doing some music as he was a pretty good rapper. That night, we spent at least 5 or 6 hours hanging out in the studio, just me and Kobe. Maybe about two or three days later, I was in yet another studio. I ran into Kobe in the hallway, we greeted each other, and I asked him about some of the music I had played for him to consider using only a few days earlier, to which he replied: “I don’t remember that”.

I was completely confused, so I tried to describe the music, and he just kept saying: “I don’t remember that''. After a few minutes of that, he smiled and said: “That was yesterday anyway; what do you have for me today.” Now, obviously, at the time, I didn’t really appreciate what he was saying, but looking back on it, I can see how getting Kobe to remember what happened a few days before was futile because I had him standing in front of me in that present moment. I wasted 20 minutes of his time trying to jump-start his memory when I could’ve used that time to just play him more music.

The lesson here is that sometimes, the past can hinder your progress. You can be so stuck in what was and stuck in your former glory that you miss out on the present victory that God wants to manifest in your life today. Yesterday is gone, and it will not make a second appearance. Today’s challenge requires that you press to achieve it. It’s impossible to press forward looking backward. As a matter of fact, the scripture says to actually forget what’s behind you and reach and press for the things that are in front of you.

As we close these twenty-one days of consecration and sacrifice, I challenge us to take this year by storm. Let’s not let what happened in the years past hinder us from appreciating the fact that you’re still here in 2024.

Press for it this year; Go for it this year. It’s all before you; all you have to do is trust God and press forward. Sometimes, when we are presented with great opportunities, we don’t move swiftly enough, and sometimes, we don’t hit hard enough. 

I declare to you that this is a moment that you will never get back. Grab ahold of it, seize it, and run with it. California Worship Center, Let’s Go!

Let’s pray…
Heavenly Father, we give you honor and glory for everything you have done. We recognize your strength and power in the earth, but most importantly, we acknowledge your power that works in us. Let us move and operate in that power with grace and humility. We love you forever!
